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Ahmad Syarifuddin. NIM: 7775180030. Implementasi Kebijakan Perlindungan Lahan Pertanian Pangan Berkelanjutan (PLP2B) di Kabupaten Lebak. Tesis. Program Studi Magister Administrasi Publik. Pascasarjana. Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa. 2020. Kabupaten Lebak merupakan salah satu wilayah di Provinsi Banten yang mengalami alih fungsi lahan pertanian ke non pertanian. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1) Mengetahui implementasi kebijakan perlindungan lahan pertanian pangan berkelanjutan di Kabupaten Lebak, (2) Mengetahui sejauh mana capaian kebijakan perlindungan lahan pertanian pangan berkelanjutan di Kabupaten Lebak, dan (3) Mengetahui upaya yang dilakukan untuk memperbaiki implementasi kebijakan perlindungan lahan pertanian pangan berkelanjutan di Kabupaten Lebak. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan pengumpulan data menggunakan observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Key informant dalam penelitian ini dibagi menjadi 2 (dua) kelompok yaitu instansi pemerintah (pihak yang mengimplementasikan kebijakan PLP2B) dan masyarakat (pihak yang menerima kebijakan dari pemerintah). Analisis data menggunakan Miles and Huberman. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa (1) Implementasi Perda Nomor 3 Tahun 2016 belum optimal dengan masih adanya penurunan luas lahan sawah, belum adanya Peraturan Bupati yang mendukung pelaksanaan teknis, serta masih adanya alih fungsi lahan, (2) Implementasi kebijakan berdasarkan aspek Van Metter dan Van Horn belum tercapai dilihat dari tujuan Perda yang belum tercapai semuanya, sumber daya yang tidak memadai (sumber daya manusia, finansial, waktu, sarana prasarana), karakteristik agen pelaksana belum semuanya memiliki SOP dalam pelaksanaan kebijakan, sikap/kecenderungan (disposisi) kurang optimal karena regulasi yang mendukung tidak disusun (insentif dan disinsentif tidak dapat diterapkan), komunikasi antar organisasi belum optimal karena meskipun seluruh petugas mengetahui tujuan PLP2B namun tidak didukung aspek sumber daya, SOP, dan regulasi pendukung sehingga komunikasi ke masyarakat sangat kurang, dan adanya pengaruh eksternal yang kuat seperti lingkungan ekonomi, sosial dan politik. (3) Upaya yang dapat dilakukan untuk mengoptimalkan implementasi kebijakan Perda No.3 Tahun 2016 ini antara lain penerbitan Peraturan Bupati tentang LP2B; Meningkatkan sosialisasi dan pengawasan oleh pihak-pihak terkait PLP2B baik melalui turun langsung ke masyarakat, melalui website resmi pemerintah, memanfaatkan radio elektronik milik pemerintah daerah Kabupaten Lebak yaitu Radio Multatuli 98 FM, melalui sosial media yang dikelola oleh pemerintah seperti Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp group maupun menggandeng Pokja (Kelompok Kerja) wartawan harian cetak dan eletronik Kabupaten Lebak untuk mewartakan melalui berbagai media komunikasi lainnya seperti media cetak (Radar Banten), media elektronik (Rangkas FM Radio, Radio Swara La Tanza, BSTV Malingping), media online (,,,; pemberian sanksi administratif bagi pelanggar (teguran lisan, tertulis, denda); dan perlunya penambahan sumber daya manusia dan sumber daya finansial (anggaran dan sarana prasarana) dalam implementasi Perda No.3 Tahun 2016.
Item Type: | Thesis (Master) | |||||||||
Contributors: |
Additional Information: | Ahmad Syarifuddin. NIM: 7775180030. Implementation of Sustainable Food Agricultural Land Protection Policy in Lebak Regency. Thesis. Public Administration Masters Study Program. Postgraduate. Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa University. 2020. Lebak Regency is one of the areas in Banten Province that has changed the function of agricultural land to non-agricultural. This study aims to (1) Know the implementation of policies for protecting sustainable agricultural land in Lebak Regency, (2) Knowing the extent of the achievements of policies on sustainable agricultural land protection against food security in Lebak Regency, and (3) Knowing the efforts made to improve the implementation of policies on the protection of sustainable agricultural food land in Lebak Regency. This research is a qualitative research with data collection using observation, interviews, and documentation. The key informants in this study were divided into 2 (two) groups, namely government agencies (those implementing the PLP2B policy) and the public (parties who accept government policies). Data analysis using Miles and Huberman. The results show that (1) The implementation of Perda No.3 / 2016 has not been optimal due to the decline in the area of paddy fields, the absence of a Regent Regulation that supports technical implementation, and there is still land conversion, (2) Implementation of policies based on Van Metter and Van aspects. Horn has not been achieved, seen from the objectives of the Perda that have not been achieved all of them, inadequate resources (human resources, financial, time, infrastructure), the characteristics of implementing agents do not all have SOPs in policy implementation, attitudes / tendencies (dispositions) are less than optimal because Supporting regulations are not developed (incentives and disincentives cannot be applied), communication between organizations is not optimal because even though all officers know the objectives of PLP2B, they are not supported by the aspects of resources, SOPs, and supporting regulations so that communication to the community is very lacking, and there is external influence. strong such as the economic, social and political environment tick. (3) Efforts that can be made to optimize the implementation of the Perda No.3 / 2016 policy include the issuance of a Regent Regulation on LP2B; improve socialization and supervision by parties related to LP2B either through direct visits to the community, through the official government website, utilizing the electronic radio belonging to the local government of Lebak Regency, namely Radio Multatuli 98 FM, through government-managed social media such as Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp group as well as collaborating with the Working Group (Working Group) of print daily journalists and electronics for Lebak Regency to preach through various other communication media such as print media (Radar Banten), electronic media (Rangkas FM Radio, Swara La Tanza Radio, BSTV Malingping), online media (,,,; giving administrative sanctions for violators (verbal, written warning, fines); and the need for additional human and financial resources (budget and infrastructure) in the implementation of Perda No.3 of 2016. Key words: plp2b, local regulations, lebak, policy, agriculture. | |||||||||
Uncontrolled Keywords: | Kata kunci: plp2b, perda, lebak, kebijakan, pertanian. | |||||||||
Subjects: | H Social Sciences > Public Administration | |||||||||
Divisions: | 08-Pascasarjana > 63101-Magister Administrasi Publik | |||||||||
Depositing User: | Perpustakaan Pusat | |||||||||
Date Deposited: | 05 Aug 2022 10:16 | |||||||||
Last Modified: | 05 Aug 2022 10:16 | |||||||||
URI: | |
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