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Strategi Komunikasi Pemasaran Terpadu Melalui Media Sosial Instagram (Studi Kasus Online Shop @ninetynine.indo Di Kota Serang)

Firmansyah, Muhammad and Winangsih, Rahmi and Witantra, Ari Pandu (2021) Strategi Komunikasi Pemasaran Terpadu Melalui Media Sosial Instagram (Studi Kasus Online Shop @ninetynine.indo Di Kota Serang). S1 thesis, Fakultas Ilmu Sosial Dan Ilmu Politik.

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ABSTRAK Muhammad Firmansyah, NIM 6662142651, Skripsi, Strategi Komunikasi Pemasaran Terpadu Melalui Media Sosial Instagram (Studi Kasus Online Shop @ninetynine.indo di Kota Serang), Pembimbing I : Dr. Rahmi Winangsih M.Si., dan Pembimbing II : Ari Pandu Witantra, M.I.Kom. Kemajuan teknologi dan informasi mendorong masyarakat memiliki pengetahuan dan kebiasaan baru, salah satunya dalam hal berbelanja. Di Kota Serang sendiri ada salah satu toko busana wanita berkonsep "girly" pertama yang berdiri sejak 2014 yang berjualan di media sosial hingga pada akhirnya 2019 lalu baru saja membuka butik pertama di Mall Ramayana Serang hingga terciptanya cabang butik-butik yang lain. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif, dengan mengumpulkan data melalui observasi, wawancara terhadap 3 informan, dan studi pengamatan, dengan menggunakan teori CMC (Computer Mediated Communication) menghasilkan peneitian bahwa @ninetynine.indo memiliki strategi komunikasi pemasaran yang ditentukan oleh faktor Product, dengan memilih produk-produk best seller dan sedang tren untuk menarik minat pelanggan. Price, denganmenentukanharga yang terjangkaubagipelangganusiaantara 15-30 tahun. Place yaitu dengan menggunakan media sosial Instagram dan beberapa bukti yg tersebar di Kota Serang. Selainitu, dalam Promotion, dilakukandengan word of mouth secara offline maupun online, iklan (endorse) di beberapaakun Instagram Influencer, give away sertapemberiandiscountmaupun promo di media sosial Instagram @ninetynine.indo Kata Kunci : Computer Mediated Communication, teknologi, komunikasipemasaran   ABSTRACT Muhammad Firmansyah, NIM 6662142651, Thesis, Integrated Marketing Communication Strategy Through Instagram Social Media (Case Study Online Shop @ninetynine.indo in Serang City), Advisor I : Dr. RahmiWinangsihM.Si dan Advisor II : Ari Pandu Witantra, M.I.Kom. Advances in technology and information encourage people to have new knowledge and habits, one of which is in terms of shopping. In Serang City itself, there is one of the first women's fashion stores with the "girly" concept that was established in 2014 which sells on social media until at the end of 2019, it just opened its first boutique at the Ramayana Mall Serang until the creation of other boutique branches. This study uses a qualitative approach, by collecting data through observation, interviews with 3 informants, and observational studies, using the theory of CMC (Computer Mediated Communicatio) resulting in the research that @ninetynine.indo has a marketing communication strategy that is determined by the Product factor, by choosing a product. - best selling and trending products to attract customers. Price, by determining affordable prices for customers aged between 15-30 years old. Place is by using social media Instagram and some evidence scattered in Serang City. In addition, in Promotion, it is carried out by word of mouth offline and online, advertising (endorse) on several Instagram Influencer accounts, give away and giving discounts and promos on Instagram social media @ninetynine.indo Key Word : Computer Mediated Communication, Technology, Marketing Communication

Item Type: Thesis (S1)
Subjects: Communication > Communication (General)
Divisions: 06-Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik > 70201-Program Studi Ilmu Komunikasi
Depositing User: Perpustakaan FISIP
Date Deposited: 19 Jul 2024 15:24
Last Modified: 19 Jul 2024 15:24

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