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Proses Komunikasi Satpol PP Dalam Relokasi Pedagang Kaki Lima Stadion Maulana Yusuf.

Rahman, Maysyarah (2021) Proses Komunikasi Satpol PP Dalam Relokasi Pedagang Kaki Lima Stadion Maulana Yusuf. S1 thesis, Fakultas Ilmu Sosial Dan Ilmu Politik.

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Maysyarah Rahman, NIM 6662160138, Skripsi, Proses Komunikasi Satpol PP Dalam Relokasi Pedagang Kaki Lima Stadion Maulana Yusuf, Pembimbing I: Dr. Rahmi Winangsih, M.Si dan Pembimbing II: Ari Pandu Witantra, M.I.Kom. Dalam menjalankan seratus hari program kerja walikota Syafrudin menjalankan janji kampanye dengan melaksanakan penataan wilayah salah satu diantaranya penertiban Pedagang Kaki Lima di area olahraga Stadion Maulana Yusuf. Dalam menjalankan programnya tersebut Syafrudin berkordinasi dengan organisasi peragkat daerah salah satunya Satpol PP dalam menjalankan tugasnya berbagai pro kontra terjadi selama proses penertiban relokasi berlangsung.Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui bagaimana proses komunikasi Satuan Polisi Pamong Praja serta kendala yang dialami dalam penertiban pedagang kaki lima di Stadion Maulana Yusuf. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kualitatif dengan memberikan gambaran umum yang diperoleh melalui data lapangan secara objektif. Dalam penelitian ini terdapat delapan orang informan yang terdiri dari Anggota Satpol PP, PKL Stadion Maulana Yusuf, APKLI serta Diskoperindag. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan observasi, wawancara dan studi pustaka. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah dalam relokasi penertiban pedagang kaki lima berjalan dengan lancar dimana area Stadion Maulana Yusuf berhasil ‘steril’ dari para pedagang. Dalam praktiknya para anggota Satpol PP melibatkan komunikasi secara verbal dan nonverbal. Serta menggunakan teknik komunikasi Instruktif dengan dua cara yakni ancaman secara halus dan hukuman untuk menertibkan para pedagang. Adapun kendala yang dialami Satpol PP dalam kegiatan penertiban PKL dari segi internal terjadinya miss komunikasi antara atasan dan juga bawahan, dari segi eksternal kurangnya pemahaman PKL dalam menerima informasi mengenai relokasi, premanisme dan tempat yang tidak layak. Kata kunci: Komunikasi, Relokasi, Satuan Polisi Pamong Praja, Pedagang Kaki Lima ABSTRAK Maysyarah Rahman, NIM 6662160138, Thesis, Satpol PP Communication Process In The Relocation Of Street Vendors Maulana Yusuf Stadium, Mentor l: Dr. Rahmi Winangsih, M.Si and Mentor II: Ari Pandu Witantra, M.I.Kom. In carrying out a hundred days of work program mayor Syafrudin carried out a campaign promise by carrying out the arrangement of the area one of which is the control of street vendors in the sports Area Maulana Yusuf Stadium. In carrying out the program, Syafrudin coordinated with regional organizations such as Satpol PP in carrying out its duties various pros and cons occurred during the relocation process. The purpose of this study is to find out how the communication process of the Pamong Praja Police Unit as well as the obstacles experienced in the execution of street vendors at Maulana Yusuf Stadium. The type of research used in this research is qualitative by providing an overview obtained through field data objectively. In this study, eight informants were consisting of Satpol PP Members, Maulana Yusuf Stadium Street Vendors, APKLI and Diskoperindag. Data collection techniques use observation, interviews, and literature studies. The result of this study is that in the relocation of street vendors running smoothly where the Maulana Yusuf Stadium area managed to be 'sterile' from the traders. In practice, Satpol PP members involve verbal and nonverbal communication. As well as using instructive communication techniques in two ways, namely subtle threats and punishment. As for the obstacles experienced by Satpol PP in the activities of street vendors in terms of internal communication between superiors and subordinates, in terms of external understanding of street vendors in receiving information about relocation, thuggery, and unworthy places. Keyword: Communication, Relocation, Pamong Praja Police Unit, Street Vendor

Item Type: Thesis (S1)
Thesis advisorWinangsih, Rahmi196810192005012001
Thesis advisorPandu Witantra, Ari19820422200041002
Additional Information: In carrying out a hundred days of work program mayor Syafrudin carried out a campaign promise by carrying out the arrangement of the area one of which is the control of street vendors in the sports Area Maulana Yusuf Stadium. In carrying out the program, Syafrudin coordinated with regional organizations such as Satpol PP in carrying out its duties various pros and cons occurred during the relocation process. The purpose of this study is to find out how the communication process of the Pamong Praja Police Unit as well as the obstacles experienced in the execution of street vendors at Maulana Yusuf Stadium. The type of research used in this research is qualitative by providing an overview obtained through field data objectively. In this study, eight informants were consisting of Satpol PP Members, Maulana Yusuf Stadium Street Vendors, APKLI and Diskoperindag. Data collection techniques use observation, interviews, and literature studies. The result of this study is that in the relocation of street vendors running smoothly where the Maulana Yusuf Stadium area managed to be 'sterile' from the traders. In practice, Satpol PP members involve verbal and nonverbal communication. As well as using instructive communication techniques in two ways, namely subtle threats and punishment. As for the obstacles experienced by Satpol PP in the activities of street vendors in terms of internal communication between superiors and subordinates, in terms of external understanding of street vendors in receiving information about relocation, thuggery, and unworthy places.
Uncontrolled Keywords: Kata kunci: Komunikasi, Relokasi, Satuan Polisi Pamong Praja, Pedagang Kaki Lima Keyword: Communication, Relocation, Pamong Praja Police Unit, Street Vendor
Subjects: Communication > Communication (General)
Divisions: 06-Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik > 70201-Program Studi Ilmu Komunikasi
Depositing User: Perpustakaan FISIP
Date Deposited: 11 Apr 2023 11:45
Last Modified: 11 Apr 2023 11:45

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