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Gambling is a deliberate gamble that is risking one value or something that is considered valuable, by realizing the existence of certain risks and expectations in game events, races and events that are not or are not necessarily the result. The case was only completed until the police because the evidence found was incomplete and invalid so that it could not be charged with applicable sanctions. Then the perpetrator is only given responsibility in the form of a report every week for a month, the report is not in accordance with the laws or rules that have been listed. Based on this background, researchers want to examine how Gambling is a deliberate gamble that is risking one value or something that is considered valuable, by realizing the existence of certain risks and expectations in game events, races and events that are not or are not necessarily the result. The case was only completed until the police because the evidence found was incomplete and invalid so that it could not be charged with applicable sanctions. Then the perpetrator is only given responsibility in the form of a report every week for a month, the report is not in accordance with the laws or rules that have been listed. Based on this background, researchers want to examine how criminal law enforcement against perpetrators of gambling crimes, and the factors that cause gambling crimes. The study was conducted using normative juridical methods. This research approach uses a literature study approach. The data sources used in this study are secondary data sources. The finding in this study is that law enforcement against gambling players has not been effective and has not been in accordance with applicable laws. Thus, the gambling case at the South Tangerang police station cannot be followed up by the court. This research resulted in the conclusion that criminal law enforcement against perpetrators of gambling crimes (case study of South Tangerang police) that occurred in the South Tangerang Police the rules or law enforcement were basically not in accordance with Law Number 7 of 1974 concerning the Control of Gambling and Article 303 and Article 303 bis. The Police should implement a patrol system every day, conducting legal counseling to areas where there are many gambling crimes, at village offices or community leaders' homes, so that public awareness will increase and will no longer do gambling.

Item Type: Thesis (S1)
Thesis advisorFATHUROKHMAN, FERRY198102152006041001
Thesis advisorROFIANA, REINE198411222008122002
Additional Information: Perjudian adalah pertaruhan dengan sengaja yaitu mempertaruhkan satu nilai atau sesuatu yang dianggap bernilai, dengan menyadari adanya resiko dan harapan tertentu pada peristiwa- peristiwa permain, perlombaan dan kejadian-kejadian yang tidak atau belum tentu hasilnya. Kasus tersebut hanya selesai sampai pihak kepolisian saja dikarenakan bukti yang ditemukan tidak lengkap dan tidak valid sehingga tidak dapat dijerat dengan sanksi yang berlaku. Kemudian pelaku hanya diberikan pertanggung jawaban yang berupa laporan setiap minggunya selama sebulan, laporan tersebut tidak sesuai dengan undang-undang atau aturan yang sudah tertera. Berdasarkan latar belakang tersebut peneliti berkeinginan mengkaji bagaimana penegakan hukum pidana terhadap pelaku tindak pidana perjudian,dan faktor-faktor yang menyebabkan tindak pidana perjudian. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode yuridis normatif. Pendekatan penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan studi kepustakaan. Sumber data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah sumber data sekunder. Temuan dalam penelitian ini adalah penegakan hukum terhadap pelaku perjudian belum efektif dan belum sesuai dengan undang-undang yang berlaku. Dengan demikian kasus perjudian di polres Tangerang Selatan belum bisa ditindak lanjuti oleh pihak pengadilan. Penelitian ini menghasilkan kesimpulan bahwa penegakan hukum pidana terhadap pelaku tindak pidana perjudian (studi kasus polres Tangerang Selatan) yang terjadi di Kepolisian Tangerang Selatan ini aturan atau penegakan hukumnya pada dasarnya tidaklah sesuai dengan Undang-Undang Nomor 7 Tahun 1974 tentang Penertiban Perjudian dan Pasal 303 dan Pasal 303 bis. seharusnya pihak Kepolisian lebih menerapkan sistem Patroli setiap harinya,melakukan penyuluhan hukum ke daerah-daerah yang banyak terjadinya tindak pidana perjudian, dikantor desa atau rumah tokoh masyarakat, dengan demikian kesadaran masyarakat akan meningkatkan dan tidak akan lagi melakukan perjudian.
Uncontrolled Keywords: Gambling, Law Enforcement, Gambling Factors Perjudian, Penegakan Hukum, Faktor-Faktor Perjudian
Subjects: K Law > K Law (General)
Divisions: 01-Fakultas Hukum
01-Fakultas Hukum > 74201-Program Studi Ilmu Hukum
Depositing User: Mrs Namira Mufti Adzani
Date Deposited: 14 Mar 2024 11:18
Last Modified: 14 Mar 2024 11:18

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