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TANGGUNG JAWAB PENGELOLA ANGKUTAN UMUM UNTUK PERLINDUNGAN DISABILITAS DALAM TRANSPORTASI UMUM BUS RAPID TRANSIT –TANGERANG BERDASARKAN UNDANG -UNDANG NOMOR 22 TAHUN 2009 TENTANG LALU LINTASDAN ANGKUTAN JALAN Gery Agustavo 1111180198 ABSTRAK Peningkatan kesadaran masyarakat dan tanggung jawab Negara untuk mengatasi disabilitas menjadi tugas penting untuk pemenuhan hak-hak mereka yang paling mendasar. Hal tersebut menjadikan peran Pemerintah Daerah wajib memberikan perlakuan khusus di bidang lalu lintas dan angkutan jalan kepada penyandang cacat, manusia usia lanjut, anak-anak, wanita hamil, dan orang sakit. Adapun indetifikasi masalahnya, Bagaimanakah tanggung jawab pengelola angkutan umum terhadap perlindungan disabilitas dalam BRT (Bus Rapid Transit)-Tangerang menurut Undang- Undang Nomor 22 Tahun 2009 tentang Lalu Lintas dan Angkutan Jalan? dan, Apa kendala dalam pengelolaan pemenuhan tanggung jawab perlindungan disabilitas dalam transportasi umum Bus Rapid Transit-Tangerang?. Teori yang digunakan yaitu, teori tanggung jawab dan teori perlindungan disabilitas. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini ialah yuridis empiris dengan analisis analitis data melalui pendekatan kualitatif menggunakan data primer berupa wawancara kepada Pejabat Dinas Perhubungan Kota Tangerang dan data sekunder. Hasil penelitian yang didapat adalah pemenuhan tanggung jawab pengelola BRT dalam memenuhi fasilitas khusus bagi penyandang disabilitas masih dinilai nihil dikarenakan banyak fasilitas pendukung atau fasilitas khusus bagi penyandang disabilitas dan lansia yang tidak layak sehingga tidak memudahkan bagi penyandang disabilitas dalam menggunakan jasa trasportasi umum. Kendala dalam pengelolaan pemenuhan tanggung jawab perlindungan disabilitas dipengaruhi oleh beberapa faktor seperti terhambatnya persetujuan penetapan RTRW Kota Tangerang dan RDTRW Kecamatan tahun 2014 oleh DPRD Kota Tangerang, sehingga beberapa revisinya berdampak pada mundurnya operasionalisasi BRT dan adanya revisi secara nasional atas RTRW dan RDTRW seluruh Kota dan Kabupaten di Wilayah Indonesia oleh Bapenas yang juga berdampak pada mundurnya operasionalisasi BRT. Kesimpulan, tanggung jawab Dinas Perhubungan Kota Tangerang selaku pengelola BRT belum maksimal dalam menuntaskan tugas sebagai pengelola dan penanggung jawab serta dalam pelaksanaannya penyandang disabilitas kurang diperhatikan. Pembangunan fasilitas didalam BRT kurang diperhatikannya fasilitas khusus bagi penyandang disabilitas seperti, tempat duduk disabilitas dan tangga landai untuk penumpang disabilitas, itu semua menjadi sebuah kendala yang harus dihadapi Dinas Perhubungan Kota Tangerang sebagai pengelola BRT. Saran, pengelola Bus Rapid Transit harus lebih memperhatikan fasilitas yang sudah tersedia apakah masih memadai atau sudah mengalami kerusakan sehingga operasional BRT sesuai amanat Undang-Undang 22 Tahun 2009 tentang Lalu Lintas dan Angkutan Jalan. Kata Kunci : Disabilitas, Dishub Kota Tangerang, Bus Rapid Transit-Tangerang
Item Type: | Thesis (S1) | |||||||||||||||
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Additional Information: | RESPONSIBILITY OF PUBLIC TRANSPORT MANAGER FOR DISABILITY PROTECTION IN RAPID TRANSIT PUBLIC TRANSPORT -TANGERANG BASED ON LAW NUMBER 22 OF 2009 ABOUT TRAFFIC AND ROAD TRANSPORT Gery Agustavo 11180198 ABSTRACT Increasing public awareness and the State's responsibility to address disability is an important task for the fulfillment of their most basic rights. This makes the role of the Regional Government obliged to provide special treatment in the field of traffic and road transportation to persons with disabilities, elderly people, children, pregnant women and sick people. As for the identification of the problem, what is the responsibility of public transport managers for disability protection in the BRT (Bus Rapid Transit)-Tangerang according to Law Number 22 of 2009 concerning Road Traffic and Transportation? and, What are the obstacles in managing the fulfillment of disability protection responsibilities in the Bus Rapid Transit-Tangerang public transportation?. The theory used is the theory of responsibility and disability protection theory. The method used in this study is empirical juridical with analytical data analysis through a qualitative approach using primary data in the form of interviews with Tangerang City Transportation Service Officials and secondary data. The research results obtained were that BRT management's fulfillment of responsibilities in fulfilling special facilities for persons with disabilities was still considered nil because there were many supporting facilities or special facilities for persons with disabilities and the elderly who were inadequate so that it did not make it easier for persons with disabilities to use public transportation services. Obstacles in managing the fulfillment of disability protection responsibilities are influenced by several factors such as delays in approval of the 2014 stipulation of the Tangerang City RTRW and Sub-district RDTRW by the Tangerang City DPRD, so that several revisions have had an impact on the postponement of BRT operations and there have been national revisions of the RTRW and RDTRW for all cities and regencies. in the Indonesian Territory by Bappenas which also has an impact on the delay in the operationalization of BRT. In conclusion, the responsibility of the Tangerang City Transportation Agency as the manager of the BRT has not been optimal in completing its duties as manager and person in charge and in its implementation it has received less attention to persons with disabilities. The construction of facilities within the BRT pays little attention to special facilities for persons with disabilities such as disabled seats and sloping stairs for disabled passengers, all of which are obstacles that must be faced by the Tangerang City Transportation Agency as the BRT manager. Suggestions, Bus Rapid Transit managers must pay more attention to the facilities that are already available whether they are still adequate or have been damaged so that BRT operations comply with the mandate of Law 22 of 2009 concerning Road Traffic and Transportation. | |||||||||||||||
Uncontrolled Keywords: | Kata Kunci : Disabilitas, Dishub Kota Tangerang, Bus Rapid Transit-Tangerang Keywords: Disability, Tangerang City Transportation Agency, Bus Rapid Transit- Tangerang | |||||||||||||||
Subjects: | K Law > KZ Law of Nations | |||||||||||||||
Depositing User: | Mr Agustavo Gery | |||||||||||||||
Date Deposited: | 27 Sep 2023 10:55 | |||||||||||||||
Last Modified: | 27 Sep 2023 10:55 | |||||||||||||||
URI: | |
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