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The Influence of Academic Supervision And Culture School on Teacher Performance in Elementary Schools at YBKSP Bakti Mulya 400 Pondok Indah, South Jakarta.

Aulia Mariska, Desy (2023) The Influence of Academic Supervision And Culture School on Teacher Performance in Elementary Schools at YBKSP Bakti Mulya 400 Pondok Indah, South Jakarta. Master thesis, Universitas sultan ageng tirtayasa.

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The background of the problem is the Implementation of Academic Supervision that is not optimal, The principal has not carried out continuous and reciprocal guidance on the results of supervision, There is a need for teacher academic improvement in learning through the principal's academic supervision, A culture of discipline and cooperation in schools that needs to be improved, Teacher performance in carrying out their responsibilities as educators is still low, teacher performance in the learning process is still low. Study This aim For analyze And describe influence academic supervision and school culture to teacher performance at school foundation of Bakti Mulya 400 Pondok Indah, South Jakarta. Formula problem from study This is (1) is there is influence academic supervision on teacher performance at Bakti Mulya 400 Pondok Indah elementary school, South Jakarta?; (2) Is there is influence school culture on teacher performance at Bakti Mulya 400 Pondok Indah elementary school, South Jakarta?; (3) Is there is influence academic and cultural supervision school on teacher performance at Bakti Mulya 400 Pondok Indah elementary school, South Jakarta?. Researcher choose School Base Bakti Mulya Elementary School 400 Pondok Indah, South Jakarta due to academic supervision and school culture And teacher performance is not optimal. Method used in study This that is method quantitative ex post facto with amount a sample of 72 teachers. Data collected with technique questionnaire. Three hypothesis formulated And tested use Analysis Regression use IBM SPSS Statistics 26. Results study show that (1 ) academic supervision own strong influence to teacher performance. This is evidenced by the known value of the coefficient correlation as large as ar 0.744 and coefficient determination 55 ,4 %; (2) school culture own strong influence to teacher performance. This is evidenced by the known value of the coefficient the correlation n value 0.736 And coefficient determination 54.1 %; and (3) academic supervision and school culture in a manner together own strong influence on teacher performance. This is evidenced by the known value of the coefficient correlation of 0.744 And coefficient determination of 66.1 %

Item Type: Thesis (Master)
Thesis advisorSUDADIO, SUDADIO196204111982011001
Thesis advisorATIKAH, CUCU196612271992032001
Additional Information: Latar belakang masalah Penyelenggaraan Supervisi Akademik yang belum optimal, Kepala sekolah belum melaksanakan pembinaan yang kontinu dan timbal balik terhadap hasil dari supervisi, Perlu adanya peningkatan akademik guru dalam pembelajaran melalui supervisi akademik kepala sekolah, Budaya disiplin dan kerjasama disekolah yang perlu diperbaiki, Kinerja guru dalam menjalankan tanggung jawabnya sebagai pendidik masih rendah, Kinerja guru dalam proses pembelajaran masih rendah. Penelitian ini betujuan untuk menganalisis dan mendeskripsikan pengaruh supervisi akademik dan budaya sekolah terhadap kinerja guru pada sekolah dasar Bakti Mulya 400 Pondok Indah, Jakarta Selatan. Rumusan masalah dari penelitian ini adalah (1) Apakah terdapat pengaruh supervisi akademik terhadap kinerja guru pada sekolah dasar Bakti Mulya 400 Pondok Indah, Jakarta Selatan?; (2) Apakah terdapat pengaruh budaya sekolah terhadap kinerja guru pada sekolah dasar Bakti Mulya 400 Pondok Indah, Jakarta Selatan?; (3) Apakah terdapat pengaruh supervisi akademik dan budaya sekolah terhadap kinerja guru pada sekolah dasar Bakti Mulya 400 Pondok Indah, Jakarta Selatan?. Peneliti memilih Sekolah Dasar Sekolah dasar Bakti Mulya 400 Pondok Indah, Jakarta Selatan karena supervisi akademik, budaya sekolah dan kinerja guru yang belum optimal. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu metode kuantitatif ex post facto dengan jumlah sample 72 guru. Data dikumpulkan dengan teknik kuesioner. Tiga hipotesis diformulasikan dan diuji menggunakan Analisis Regresi menggunakan IBM SPSS Statistics 26. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa (1) supervisi akademik memiliki pengaruh yang kuat terhadap kinerja guru. Ini dibuktikan dengan diketahuinya nilai koefisien korelasi sebesar 0,744 dan koefisien determinasi 55,4%; (2) budaya sekolah memiliki pengaruh yang kuat terhadap kinerja guru. Hal ini dibuktikan dengan mengetahui koefisien korelasinya nilai 0,736 dan koefisien determinasi 54,1%; dan (3) supervisi akademik dan budaya sekolah secara bersama-sama memiliki pengaruh yang kuat terhadap kinerja guru. Hal ini dibuktikan dengan diketahuinya nilai koefisien korelasi sebesar 0,744 dan koefisien determinasi sebesar 66,1%.
Uncontrolled Keywords: Teacher Performance , Supervision Academic , Culture School Kinerja Guru, Supervisi Akademik, Budaya Sekolah
Subjects: L Education > LB Theory and practice of education
L Education > LB Theory and practice of education > LB1501 Primary Education
Divisions: 08-Pascasarjana > Magister Teknologi Pembelajaran
Depositing User: Desy Aulia Mariska
Date Deposited: 12 Oct 2023 10:53
Last Modified: 12 Oct 2023 10:53

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