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This study aims to analyze the meaning of agricultural extension for lowland rice farmers in Serang Regency. The current phenomenon of agricultural extension activities in Serang Regency is felt to be less participatory by most of the agricultural extension workers. This can be seen from the small number of farmers who attended the meeting, the lack of initiative of farmers and farmer groups in holding activities that facilitate the implementation of agricultural extension activities, and the low response of farmers to farming technology materials presented in extension activities. On the other hand, agricultural extension activities can be more participatory if they are carried out related to the provision of assistance or accompanied by compensation. Data analysis in this study used data analysis of transdental phenomenology from Husserl (Moerer-Urdahl & Creswell 2004) which was included in the components of interactive model data analysis (Miles & Huberman 2007). Information about the experience of agricultural extension activities of the informant farmers was obtained by identifying the specific statements of the informants related to agricultural extension activities in the transcript of the interview of the informant farmers. Identified as many as 133 individual verbatim statements given by informant farmers. Then they are grouped so that three themes (meaning units) appear related to agricultural extension activities and how the informants experience it, namely Extension as a source of information, Extension as a source of technology, and Extension as a source of assistance. Description of experience in rice field agricultural extension activities in a textural and structural manner. Textural descriptions describe extension activities that are closely related to the delivery of information and technology as well as to government programs or assistance. Meanwhile, structurally the meaning of extension activities is seen from the economic context, learning context and the context of the level of member participation. Furthermore, it is synthesized into a combination of the meaning and essence of the rice agricultural extension experience of each informant farmer which describes the rice agricultural extension experience of the informants in one unit. The essence of the experience of informants related to agricultural extension is not only agricultural technology learning activities, but also the distribution of assistance needed by farmers to follow or implement it. The second order underlies the level of farmer participation in agricultural extension activities.

Item Type: Thesis (Master)
Thesis advisorMirajiani, Mirajiani197101051998022003
Thesis advisorSalampessy, Yudi L.A.197203222005011001
Additional Information: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis makna penyuluhan pertanian bagi petani padi sawah di Kabupaten Serang. Fenomena yang ada saat ini kegiatan penyuluhan pertanian di Kabupaten Serang dirasakan kurang partisipatif oleh sebagian besar penyuluh pertanian. Hal ini bisa dilihat dari sedikitnya jumlah petani yang hadir dalam pertemuan, kurangnya inisiatif petani dan kelompoktani dalam mengadakan kegiatan-kegiatan yang memfasilitasi terlaksananya kegiatan penyuluhan pertanian, serta rendahnya respon petani terhadap materi teknologi usahatani yang disampaikan dalam kegiatan penyuluhan. Sebaliknya, kegiatan penyuluhan pertanian bisa lebih partsipatif jika diselenggarakan terkait dengan pemberian bantuan atau disertai dengan imbalan. Analisis data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan analisis data fenomenologi transdental dari Husserl (Moerer-Urdahl & Creswell 2004) yang dimasukan dalam komponen-komponen analisis data model interaktif (Miles & Huberman 2007). Informasi mengenai pengalaman kegiatan penyuluhan pertanian petani informan diperoleh dengan mengidentifikasi pernyataan-pernyataan spesifik informan terkait kegiatan penyuluhan pertanian dalam transkrip wawancara petani informan. Teridentifikasi sebanyak 133 pernyataan verbatim individual yang diberikan oleh para petani informan. Kemudian dikelompokan sehingga muncul tiga tema (unit makna) terkait kegiatan penyuluhan pertanian dan bagaimana informan megalaminya, yaitu Penyuluhan sebagai sumber informasi, Penyuluhan sebagai sumber teknologi, dan Penyuluhan sebagai sumber bantuan. Deskripsi pengalaman kegiatan penyuluhan pertanian padi sawah secara tekstural dan structural. Deskripsi tekstural menggambarkan kegiatan penyuluhan berkaitan erat dengan penyampain informasi dan teknologi serta dengan program pemerintah atau bantuan. Sedangkan secara struktural makna kegiatan penyuluhan dilihat dari konteks ekonomi, konteks pembelajaran dan kontek tingkat partisipasi anggota. Selanjutnya disintesis kedalam gabungan dari makna dan esensi pengalaman penyuluhan pertanian padi sawah setiap petani informan yang menggambarkan pengalaman penyuluhan pertanian padi para informan dalam satu kesatuan. Esensi pengalaman informan terkait penyuluhan pertanian bukan hanya kegiatan pembelajaran teknologi pertanian, tetapi juga distribusi bantuan yang dibutuhkan petani untuk mengikuti atau menerapkannya. Urutan keduanya mendasari tingkat partisipasi petani dalam kegiatan penyuluhan pertanian.
Uncontrolled Keywords: Phenomenology, Extension, Informants, Technology, Information, Assistance Fenomenologi, Penyuluhan, Informan, Informasi, Bantuan
Subjects: S Agriculture > S Agriculture (General)
Communication > Communication (General)
Divisions: 08-Pascasarjana
08-Pascasarjana > 54108-Magister Ilmu Pertanian
Depositing User: Eka Noviyanti
Date Deposited: 24 Aug 2023 09:24
Last Modified: 24 Aug 2023 09:24

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