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Dwiyana, Ejri (2023) TINJAUAN KRIMINOLOGI TERHADAP PELAKU MARITAL RAPE DISERTAI PEMBUNUHAN (Studi Putusan No.466/Pid.Sus/2019/PN Srg). S1 thesis, Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa.

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ABSTRACT Title: Criminology Review of Perpetrators of Marital Rape With Homicide. (Study of decision No. 466/Pid.Sus/2019/PN Srg) Name : Ejri Dwiyana NIM: 1111160239 Marital Rape or marital rape is opposed by some people and considers Marital Rape not to be a crime or a criminal act. Even though Marital Rape is a type of sexual violence in the household, and can result in physical, psychological and other violence, as in the Marital Rape case accompanied by the murder by the perpetrator Armi Samudra Bin Cucu Renjana of his wife Anis Purwani S. Kom Binti Unan Sulaiman who just gave birth in Decision No.466/Pid.Sus/2019/PN Srg. This prompted researchers to examine how the criminological review of the triggering factors for Marital Rape was accompanied by murder and how the enforcement of the Criminal Law against perpetrators of Marital Rape was accompanied by murder based on the study of Decision No.466/Pid.Sus/2019/PN Srg. This study uses Psychoanalytic theory and law enforcement theory. As well as normative juridical research methods with qualitative research types of case approaches and statutory approaches. The findings in this thesis are the dominance of the Id over the Ego and Super Ego in the perpetrator and the lack of law enforcement. The perpetrator should be able to control the Id within himself and understand the condition of his wife who had just given birth and the panel of judges should have been able to see the perpetrator's initial intention was not to commit a crime of physical violence until the victim died but was triggered by a crime of sexual violence contained in the Law on the Elimination of Violence In Household. Keyword : Marital Rape, Psychoanalysis, Law enforcement.

Item Type: Thesis (S1)
Thesis advisorYulia, Rena198009192009122001
Thesis advisorPrakarsa, Aliyth197912062008121001
Additional Information: ABSTRAK Judul : Tinjauan Kriminologi Terhadap Pelaku Marital Rape Disertai pembunuhan. (Studi Putusan No. 466/Pid.Sus/2019/PN Srg) Nama : Ejri Dwiyana NIM : 1111160239 Marital Rape atau perkosaan dalam perkawinan mendapat pertentangan dari sebagian masyarakat dan menganggap Marital Rape bukan merupakan kejahatan atau tindak Pidana. Padahal Marital Rape merupakan salah satu jenis kekerasan seksual dalam rumah tangga, dan dapat berakibat kekerasan fisik, Psikis dan lain-lain, seperti dalam kasus Marital Rape disertai dengan pembunuhan oleh pelaku Armi Samudra Bin Cucu Renjana terhadap istrinya Anis Purwani, S.Kom Binti Unan Sulaiman yang baru saja melahirkan dalam Putusan No.466/Pid.Sus/2019/PN Srg. Hal ini yang mendorong peneliti untuk mengkaji bagaimana tinjauan kriminologi terhadap faktor-faktor pemicu Marital Rape disertai pembunuhan dan Bagaimana penegakan Hukum Pidana terhadap pelaku Marital Rape disertai pembunuhan berdasarkan studi Putusan No.466/Pid.Sus/2019/PN Srg. Penelitian ini menggunakan teori Psikoanalisa dan teori penegakan hukum. Serta metode penelitian yuridis normatif dengan jenis penelitian kualitatif pendekatan kasus dan pendekatan Undang-undang. Temuan dalam skripsi ini adalah adanya dominasi Id atas Ego dan Super Ego dalam diri pelaku serta tidak ditegakan nya hukum. Seyogyanya pelaku dapat mengendalikan Id di dalam dirinya dan memahami kondisi istrinya yang baru saja melahirkan serta seharusnya majelis hakim dapat melihat Intention awal pelaku bukan melakukan tindak pidana kekerasan fisik hingga korban meninggal dunia tetapi dipicu oleh tindak pidana kekerasan seksual yang terdapat dalam Undang-undang Penghapusan Kekerasan Dalam Rumah tangga. Kata Kunci : Marital Rape, Kekerasan, Penegakan Hukum.
Subjects: K Law > K Law (General)
Divisions: 01-Fakultas Hukum
Depositing User: Ejri dwi yana
Date Deposited: 27 Jan 2023 09:46
Last Modified: 27 Jan 2023 09:46

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