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SUSIPAH, SUSIPAH and Hasani, Aceng and Asmawati, Luluk (2016) KEMAMPUAN MEMBACA PERMULAAN MELALUI PEMANFAATAN COMPACT DISC (CD) INTERAKTIF DAN MINAT BELAJAR ANAK TK. JTPPm (Jurnal Teknologi Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran): Edutech and Intructional Research Journal, 3 (1). pp. 1-11. ISSN 2356-2110

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The purpose of the research is to know: (1) To obtain clear information, in-depth, and comprehensive of literacy beginning in Group B Kindergarten (TK) of Pertiwi Kota Serang by using Compact Disc (CD) interactive for kindergarten children Group B Kindergarten (TK) of Pertiwi Kota Serang, (2) To obtain clear information, in-depth, and comprehensive on the use of Compact Disc (CD) Interactive on language development in Group B Kindergarten (TK) of Pertiwi Kota Serang, (3) To obtain the information and the results clearly and deep about interest in learning for kindergarten children in Group B Kindergarten (TK) of Pertiwi Kota Serang by using Compact Disc (CD) interactive for kindergarten children Group B Kindergarten (TK) of Pertiwi Kota Serang. The research method used is descriptive qualitative research methods and natural which use some data through observation, interviews and documentation. The subject of the research that will be done is in Group B Kindergarten (TK) of Pertiwi Kota Serang. The results show (1) The ability to read the beginning through the use of Compact Disc (CD) Interactive for kindergarten children Group B very appropriate because the application can attract the attention of students so that children are more interested and easier to capture the learning materials, (2) In the utilization of Compact Disc (CD ) Interactive can give new options in the media of learning so that children do not feel bored and tired compared to media word cards and magazines, (1) By learning use multi interactive media, students can learn computer technology even though only basic but it can give experience which is very valuable for the children, especially young children. With this experience students are more motivated interest in learning so that the technology is not only used for gaming only but should be a media of learning that helps facilitate in learning. It can be concluded that by using the Compact Disc (CD) Interactive can improve reading skills in children beginning on Group B Kindergarten (TK) of Pertiwi Kota Serang.

Item Type: Article
AuthorHasani, AcengUNSPECIFIED
Uncontrolled Keywords: : Compact Disc (CD) Interactive, Interest in Learning, Reading Beginning
Subjects: L Education > L Education (General)
Divisions: 02-Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan > 88201-Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Indonesia
Depositing User: Dr Aceng Hasani M.Pd.
Date Deposited: 29 Nov 2022 10:46
Last Modified: 29 Nov 2022 10:46

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