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Anemia causes a decrease in the capacity of the blood to carry oxygen. The heart attempts to compensate for this condition by increasing cardiac output. According to data from the hospital dr. Dradjat Prawiranegara in June-September 2021 there were 21 mothers who experienced postpartum anemia, this shows that there are still many mothers who experience anemia after childbirth. The purpose of this study was to post partum anemia patients so that they would not experience disturbances in meeting the needs of circulation in the blood and there would be no disturbances in the postpartum recovery process. Anemia in the puerperium is a continuation of the anemia suffered during pregnancy. Anemia will have an impact on meeting the needs of circulation, due to the Hb value <11 g/dl which results in disruption of the oxygen transport system which will cause symptoms such as shortness of breath and weakness. In this nursing care the researchers used a descriptive method, carried out for 3 days at the dr.Dradjat Prawiranegara Hospital in the Wijaya Kusuuma room and took 2 post partum anemia clients in meeting circulation needs for comparison. Client 1 (Mrs. K) is as follows: from the results of the assessment, the conjunctiva is anemic, looks pale, CRT > 2 seconds, akral is slightly cold, RR 24 ×/minute, and complains of dizziness. Meanwhile, client 2 (Mrs. S) from the results of the study found that the conjunctiva was anemic, looked pale, CRT > 2 seconds, was cold, RR 25 ×/minute, and complained of lightheadedness. Both clients have the same diagnosis, namely Ineffective Peripheral Perfusion. After determining the diagnosis, the researcher intervened in both patients (SLKI, 2016). And researchers have implemented according to the actions that have been planned. The results of the ineffective peripheral perfusion evaluation of the two patients have not been resolved because both clients are allowed to go home with the hemoglobin value of both clients 9.0 g/dl. Keywords: post partum anemia, need for circulation, ineffective peripheral perfusion
Item Type: | Thesis (D3) | |||||||||
Contributors: |
Additional Information: | Anemia menyebabkan penurunan kapasitas darah untuk membawa oksigen. Jantung berupaya mengonpensasi kondisi ini dengan meningkatkan curah jantung. Menurut data dari rumah sakit dr. Dradjat Prawiranegara pada bulan Juni-September 2021 terdapat 21 ibu yang mengalami anemia post partum, hal tersebut menunjukan masih banyak ibu yang mengalami anemia pasca persalinan. Tujuan penelitian pada pasien anemia post partum agar tidak mengalami gangguan dalam pemenuhan kebutuhan sirkulasi dalam darah dan tidak ada gangguan dalam proses pemulihan pasca bersalin. Anemia dalam masa nifas merupakan lanjutan dari pada anemia yang diderita saat kehamilan. Anemia akan berdampak dalam pemenuhan kebutuhan sirkulasi, dikarenakan nilai Hb < 11 g/dl yang mengakibatkan terganggunya sistem transportasi oksigen yang akan menimbulkan gejala seperti sesak nafas dan lemas. Dalam asuhan keperawatan ini peneliti menggunakan metode deskritif, dilakukan selama 3 hari di RSUD dr.Dradjat Prawiranegara diruang Wijaya Kusuuma dan mengambil 2 klien anemia post partum dalam pemenuhan kebutuhan sirkulasi untuk dibandingkan. Klien 1 (Ny. K) sebagai berikut: dari hasil pengkajian didapatkan konjungtiva anemis, tampak pucat, CRT > 2 detik, akral sedikit dingin, RR 24 ×/menit, dan mengeluh pusing. Sedangkan klien 2 (Ny. S) dari hasil pengkajian didapatkan konjungtiva anemis, tampak pucat, CRT > 2 detik, akral dingin, RR 25 ×/menit, dan mengeluh pusing berkunang-kunang. Kedua klien memiliki diagnosa yang sama yaitu Perfusi Perifer Tidak Efektif. Setelah menentukan diagnosa peneliti melakukan intervensi pada kedua pasien, (SLKI, 2016). Dan peneliti telah melakukan implementasi sesuai tindakan yang telah dirrencanakan. Hasil evaluasi perfusi perifer tidak efektif kedua pasien belum teratasi dikarenakan kedua klien diperbolehkan pulang dengan nilai hemoglobin kedua klien ≥ 9,0 g/dl. Kata kunci: anemia post partum, kebutuhan sirkulasi, perfusi perifer tidak efektif | |||||||||
Subjects: | R Medicine > RT Nursing | |||||||||
Divisions: | 07-Fakultas Kedokteran 07-Fakultas Kedokteran > 14401-Prodi Keperawatan D3 |
Depositing User: | Mr Firdaus Resa | |||||||||
Date Deposited: | 05 Aug 2022 08:59 | |||||||||
Last Modified: | 05 Aug 2022 08:59 | |||||||||
URI: | http://eprints.untirta.ac.id/id/eprint/15262 |
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