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Penegakan hukum pelaku tindak pidana Narkotika (Pengedar) membutuhkan peran seorang Justice Collaborator, dan tentu bukanlah suatu keputusan yang mudah untuk diambil oleh seorang pelaku tindak pidana Narkotika (Pengedar) karena suatu pengungkapan atau kesaksian kebenaran dalam suatu tindak pidana Narkotika (pengedar) oleh Justice Collaborator jelas memiliki resiko dan merupakan ancaman nyata bagi pelaku kejahatan yang menjadi seorang Justice Collaborator. Maka perumusahan permasalahan dalam Penelitian ini, yakni bagaimana pengaturan peranan Justice Collaborator dalam proses penegakan hukum tindak pidana Narkotika (pengedar) sebagai upaya pengungkapan tindak pidana Narkotika (pengedar) di Indonesia dan bagaimana implementasi pemberian keistimewaan yang didapatkan oleh pelaku tindak pidana Narkotika (pengedar) yang menjadi Justice Collaborator dalam proses penegakan hukum pelaku tindak pidana Narkotika (pengedar) di Indonesia. Metode yang digunakan dalam Penelitian yakni pendekatan yuridis normatif, ini digunakan dengan maksud untuk mengadakan pendekatan terhadap masalah dengan cara melihat dari segi peraturan perundang - undangan yang berlaku, dokumen - dokumen dan berbagai teori. Hasil Penelitian yakni, peranan Justice Collaborator sebagai tersangka yg menjadi saksi sangatlah penting untuk membantu komponen sistem peradilan pidana tepatnya dalam proses penyidikan, Justice Collaborator di Indonesia diatur dalam Undang – Undang Nomor 31 Tahun 2014 Tentang Perubahan Atas Undang – Undang Nomor 13 Tahun 2006 Tentang Perlindungan Saksi dan Korban, Undang – Undang ratifikasi dari UNCAC dan UNCATOC, Surat Edaran Mahkamah Agung Nomor 4 Tahun 2011 dan Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 99 tahun 2012 Tentang Syarat dan Tata Cara Pelaksanaan Hak Warga Binaan. Mengenai aturan penerapan Justice Collaborator sudah diatur didalam hukum positif Indonesia dan implementasi pemberian keistimewaannya saat ini sudah tepat dan sudah sesuai dengan hukum positif, teori sistem peradilan pidana, dan teori penegakan hukum di Indonesia serta di terapkan dalam beberapa kasus – kasus yang terjadi di Indonesia. Saran, yaitu, Pemerintah Republik Indonesia seharusnya lebih fleksibel dalam menyikapi perkembangan zaman, harus di sesuaikan dari segi Pengaturan Tindak Pidana Narkotika (pengedar), lalu perlu diperjelas lagi secara khusus, dan dipertegas lagi mengenai pengaturan Justice Collaborator dalam proses penegakan hukum pelaku pengedar Narkotika. Pemerintah Indonesia mengenai pengaturan Justice Collaborator dalam hukum positif harus dipertegas lebih spesifik agar kedepannya bisa dipergunakan untuk para penegak hukum. Pemerintah Indonesia dalam penerapan Justice Collaborator dalam pemidanaan perlu kesinergisan semua komponen sistem peradilan pidana agar penerapannya semakin maksimal

Item Type: Thesis (S1)
Thesis advisorIRAWAN, BENNY196010251989891007
Thesis advisorYULIA, RENA198009192009122001
Additional Information: Law enforcement for Narcotics offenders (Distributors) requires the role of a Justice Collaborator, and of course it is not an easy decision to be taken by a Narcotics criminal (Dealer) because of a disclosure or testimony of the truth in a Narcotics crime (dealer) by Justice Collaborator clearly has a risk and is a real threat to criminals who become a Justice Collaborator. So the formulation of the problem in this study, namely how to regulate the role of Justice Collaborator in the process of enforcing the Narcotics crime law (dealer) as an effort to reveal the Narcotics crime (dealer) in Indonesia and how to implement the privileges obtained by the Narcotics criminal become Justice Collaborator in the process of law enforcement for Narcotics offenders (dealers) in Indonesia. The method used in this research is the normative juridical approach, this is used with the intention of approaching the problem by looking at it from the point of view of the prevailing laws and regulations, documents and various theories. The results of the study, namely, the role of Justice Collaborator as a suspect who becomes a witness is very important to assist the components of the criminal justice system to be precise in the investigation process, Justice Collaborator in Indonesia is regulated in Law Number 31 of 2014 concerning Amendments to Law Number 13 of 2006 concerning Protection. Witnesses and Victims, Law of ratification from UNCAC and UNCATOC, Circular of the Supreme Court Number 4 of 2011 and Government Regulation Number 99 of 2012 concerning Terms and Procedures for the Implementation of the Rights of Assisted Citizens. Regarding the rules for implementing Justice Collaborator, it has been regulated in positive law in Indonesia and the implementation of giving its privileges is currently appropriate and in accordance with positive law, the theory of the criminal justice system, and the theory of law enforcement in Indonesia and has been applied in several cases that have occurred in Indonesia. Suggestions, namely, that the Government of the Republic of Indonesia should be more flexible in responding to the times, it must be adjusted in terms of the Narcotics Crime Regulations (dealers), then it needs to be specifically clarified, and emphasized again regarding Justice Collaborator arrangements in the law enforcement process of Narcotics traffickers. The Indonesian government regarding Justice Collaborator regulation in positive law must be emphasized more specifically so that in the future it can be used for law enforcers. The Indonesian government in implementing Justice Collaborator in punishment needs the synergy of all components of the criminal justice system so that its application can be maximized. Keywords: Justice Collaborator, Narcotics (dealers), Law
Uncontrolled Keywords: Kata Kunci: Justice Collaborator, Narkotika (pengedar) , Hukum
Subjects: K Law > K Law (General)
Divisions: 01-Fakultas Hukum
01-Fakultas Hukum > 74201-Program Studi Ilmu Hukum
Depositing User: Perpustakaan Pusat
Date Deposited: 04 Aug 2022 09:31
Last Modified: 04 Aug 2022 09:31

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