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UPAYA SEKOLAH MENENGAH KEJURUAN DALAM MENGHASILKANLULUSANYANG BERMUTU DAN BERDAYA SAING (Studi Pada Kompetensi Keahlian Teknologi Pengolahan Hasil Pertaniandi SMK Negeri 2 Rangkasbitung Lebak-Banten)

Fauzi, Fahmi Haristian (2015) UPAYA SEKOLAH MENENGAH KEJURUAN DALAM MENGHASILKANLULUSANYANG BERMUTU DAN BERDAYA SAING (Studi Pada Kompetensi Keahlian Teknologi Pengolahan Hasil Pertaniandi SMK Negeri 2 Rangkasbitung Lebak-Banten). Master thesis, Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa.

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Fahmi Haristian Fauzi. 7772130017. “Vocational High SchoolEffort inYielding Competitive And Certifiable Graduates (Study at AgriculturalProduce ProcessingTechnology Program in SMK N 2 Rangkasbitung)”.Thesis. Instructional Education Program Concentration EducationalManagement. Post Graduate.Sultan Ageng TirtayasaUniversity.2015. This study aims to determine (1) the effortsof SMK N 2 Rangkasbitung inimplementing the link and match to enhance the quality and relevance ofgraduates in theAgricultural Produce Processing Technology Program; and(2) the efforts of SMK N2 Rangkasbitung in implementing School-BasedQuality Improvement Management to improve the quality of the educationprocess inAgricultural Produce Processing Technology Program. This studyis a qualitative research phenomenology. Subjects in this study weredetermined by using purposive sampling technique. Data collectiontechniques used include interviews, observation and documentation. Testingthe validity of the data using triangulation, while data analysis using a modelof Miles and Huberman.The results showed that (1)SMKN 2 Rangkasbitungefforts in implementing the link and match the Agricultural ProduceProcessing Technology Program embodied in the Dual System Programwhich consists of On Job Trainingand EntrepreneurshipProgram. In practice,the implementation of link and match at Agricultural Produce ProcessingTechnology Programhas managed to create a link between schools with DU/ DI, especially in the implementation of Dual System Program. Nevertheless,the“link”has not beenaccompanied by any equivalence/matchbetween theschool and DU / DI, so it has not impacted positively on the level of mismatchbetween school and DU / DI, as reflected by the level of absorption ofgraduates in the world of work (2)TheEffortsof SMKN 2 Rangkasbitung toimprove the quality of the educational process, especially at AgriculturalProduce Processing Technology Program, among others, embodied byformulating and implementing programs to improve the quality of educationas contained in the Work PlanSchool (RKS). However, only a few programsthat can be considered effective. Based on the results of the study also notethat the majority of these programs have not been implemented inaccordance with the framework of the School-Based Quality ImprovementManagement in terms of both principle and process.

Item Type: Thesis (Master)
Thesis advisorSyarif, Chusaery Rusdi195212122003121001
Thesis advisorHosnan, Hosnan195511181982031002
Uncontrolled Keywords: Vocational High School,Link and Match,School-Based QualityImprovement Management
Subjects: T Technology > T Technology (General)
Divisions: 08-Pascasarjana
08-Pascasarjana > Magister Teknologi Pembelajaran
Depositing User: Perpustakaan Pusat
Date Deposited: 20 Apr 2022 22:46
Last Modified: 20 Apr 2022 22:46

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