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Andari, Dialus and Nurprapti, Nurprapti and Septa, Ronny Yudhi (2018) FENOMENA BELANJA ONLINE RURAL COMMUNITY PADA GENERASI MUDA DESA KADUBERA KABUPATEN PANDEGLANG. Lainnya thesis, Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa.

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Dialus Andari, NIM 6662142652, Skripsi, Fenomena Belanja Online Rural Community Pada Generasi Muda Desa Kadubera Kabupaten Pandeglang, Pembimbing I : Dr. Nurprapti Wahyu W., M.Si dan Pembimbing II : Ronny Yudhi Septa Priana., M.Si Dalam era perkembangan teknologi komunikasi, kehadiran internet memberikan dampak terhadap kemunculan belanja online sebagai gaya berbelanja baru setelah sebelum masyarakat lebih akrab dengan transaksi belanja di pasar konvensional. Kini dengan adanya akses jaringan internet yang sudah tersedia hingga ke pelosok daerah, membuat wilayah rural juga dapat mengakses berbagai informasi dan melakukan transaksi belanja online. Salah satunya terjadi pada generasi muda Desa Kadubera sebagai generasi yang aktif mengikuti perkembangan teknologi, sehingga belanja online menjadi salah satu cara berbelanja yang disukai oleh kalangan ini. Namun dalam pelaksanaannya generasi muda Desa kadubera tidak dapat merasakan manfaat dan kemudahan transaksi belanja online secara maksimal karena keadaan infrastruktur jalan menuju Desa Kadubera yang rusak sehingga seringkali menyebabkan keterlambatan, bahkan mereka harus mengambil barang secara langsung kepada kurir jasa pengiriman barang dan mengeluarkan dana yang lebih besar. Dan meskipun hambatan keberhasilan transaksi tersebut terjadi, generasi muda Desa Kadubera tetap berantusias untuk terus melakukan transaksi belanja online. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. Dengan mengumpulkan data melalui observasi, wawancara, dan studi dokumen. Teori yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yakni teori existence, relatedness dan growth (ERG). Hasil penelitian ini adalah terdapat fenomena belanja online yang berlangsung di Desa Kadubera. Belanja online kini menjadi tren gaya berbelanja dengan perilaku belanja online generasi muda Desa Kadubera yang berlangsung melalui proses keputusan pembelian dan dapat dilihat dengan elemen analisis perilaku konsumen. Meskipun terdapat hambatan dalam keberhasilan transaksi yang diakibatkan oleh keadaan infrastruktur jalan yang buruk, namun transaksi belanja online tetap dilakukan oleh generasi muda Desa Kadubera karena didasari oleh motif rasional dan motif emosional serta didasari oleh ketersediaan hierarki kebutuhan konsumen online. Kata Kunci : Fenomena Belanja Online, Rural Community, Generasi Muda, Desa Kadubera, Perilaku Konsumen, Motif Belanja Online, Teori ERG.

Item Type: Thesis (Lainnya)
Additional Information: Dialus Andari, NIM 6662142652, Thesis, The Phenomenon of Online Shopping in The Younger Generation of Rural Community in The Village of Kadubera Pandeglang District, Advisor I : Dr. Nurprapti Wahyu W., M.Si and Advisor II : Ronny Yudhi Septa Priana., M.Si Today in the era of development of communication technology, internet presence gave an impact in support of various human activities. One of them, with the online shopping as a new style of shopping before the public is more familiar with the conventional market shopping transactions. Not only become a trend in urban communities, now because of the internet network access available to the corners of the area made the region of rural can also access a variety of information and conduct transactions online shopping. One of them occurred in the younger generation of the village Kadubera as a generation of active development of the technology and often demanding practicality over a wide range of activities, so that online shopping is becoming a way of shopping that is favored by circles. However, in practice the younger generation of the village kadubera can not feel the benefits and advantages of online shopping transactions to the maximum because of the State of the infrastructure and the access road to the village of Kadubera which is broken so often cause delays in fact they have to take the goods directly to the courier delivery services of goods and issuing more Fund. And even though the barriers to success such transactions occur, the younger generation of the village of Kadubera remains conditioned enthusiastic to continue to transact online shopping. This research uses descriptive qualitative research methods. By collecting data through observation, interviews, documents and studies. Informants in this study consists of four informants and eight informants supporters. The theory used in this study is the theory of existence, relatedness and growth (ERG). The results of this research are contained online shopping phenomenon that took place in the village of Kadubera, which is seen online shopping being a trend of young people's shopping style. The sustainability of young people's online shopping behavior Kadubera Village takes place with the purchasing decision process and can be seen with the element of consumer behavior analysis. Despite the obstacles to the success of transactions due to poor road infrastructure, online transactions are still being conducted by the younger generation of Kadubera Village as based on rational motives and emotional motives and based on the availability of online consumer needs hierarchy. Keywords : Online Shopping Phenomenon, Rural Community, Young Generation, Kadubera Village, Kadubera Village, Consumer Behavior, Online Shopping Motives, Theory of ERG.
Subjects: Communication > Communication (General)
Divisions: 06-Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik
06-Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik > 70201-Program Studi Ilmu Komunikasi
Depositing User: Admin Eprints Untirta
Date Deposited: 15 Jan 2019 02:54
Last Modified: 15 Jan 2019 02:54

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