DEWI, MEGA SUSTRA and Yusuf, Maulana and Handayani, Riny (2011) EVALUASI PROGRAM BANTUAN LANGSUNG TUNAI (BLT) DI KECAMATAN KRAMATWATU (Studi Kasus Tahun 2008 – 2009). Lainnya thesis, Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa.
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Tunai di Kecamatan Kramatwatu, periode 2008-2009. Program Studi Ilmu Administrasi Negara. Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik. Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa. Pembimbing I, Maulana Yusuf, S.IP M.Si, Pembimbing II, Rini Handayani, S.Si. Kata kunci : Evaluasi Kebijakan Publik, Program Bantuan Langsung Tunai Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan fokus penelitian Evaluasi Program Bantuan Langsung Tunai di Kecamatan kramatwatu. Dengan rumusan masalah yaitu bagaimana evaluasi program bantuan langsung tunai selama periode tahun 2008- 2009. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mendeskripsikan evaluasi kebijakan dan bantuan langsung tunai. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kuantitatif deskriptif. Subyek dari penelitian ini adalah para penerima dana bantuan langsung tunai, yang terdiri dari 3.531 orang. Berdasarkan rumus Slovin, sampel terdiri dari 97 orang. Pengambilan sampel menggunakan proportionate area random sampling. Instrumen dalam penelitian ini menggunakan teori evaluasi kebijakan dari Dunn yang terdiri dari 6 indikator yitu efektifitas, efisiensi, kecukupan, perataan, responsivitas, dan ketepatan. Penelitian ini menggunakan kuesioner, wawancara dan pengamatan. Dalam melakukan analisa data penelitian ini menggunakan uji hipotesis t-test satu sampel. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa evaluasi program bantuan langsung tunai di Kecamatan Kramatwatu periode 2008-2009 sudah berjalan baik. Berdasarkan hasil perhitungan diperoleh thitung lebih besar dari pada ttabel (4,1 ≥ 1,296), maka evaluasi program bantuan langsung tunai di Kecamatan Kramatwatu mencapai angka 66,6% lebih besar dari angka yang dihipotesiskan yaitu 65 %. Saran peneliti adalah perlu adanya pendataan ulang kepada masyarakat miskin terkait dengan penetapan penerima bantuan langsug tunai dan perlu diterapkannya kriteria penerima bantuan langsung tunai dengan baik kepada masyarakat miskin.
Item Type: | Thesis (Lainnya) |
Additional Information: | Mega Sustra Dewi. NIM. 062399. Evaluation of Direct Cash Program (BLT) at District Kramatwatu, Serang period 2008-2009. Public Administration, Faculty of Social and Political. University of Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa. Advisor I, Maulana Yusuf, S.IP M.Si, Advisor II, Rini Handayani, S.Si. Keywords: Evaluation of Public Policy Program, Direct Cash Program, This research was focused on evaluation research of Direct Cash Program (BLT) at District of Kramatwatu period 2008-2009. As the problem formulation was how the result of evaluation on Direct Cash Program at District Kramatwatu period 2008-2009. The purpose of this research was describe the result of evaluation on Direct Cash Program at District Kramatwatu. The theory and concept which been applied in this research were the theory of policy evaluation and BLT (Direct Cash Program). The method of this research was descriptive quantitative. Subject of the research were the BLT, which all of 3.531 persons. The number of responders were figured based on Slovin formula consist of 97 persons. Data collecting technique applied proportionate area random sampling. Instruments of this research were based on Dunn theory which built from 6 indicators, they are effectiveness, efficiency, adequacy, fairness, responsiveness, and accuracy. This research used questionnaire and observation. In data analysis process, this research applied one sample t-test hypothesis test. Result of the research indicated that result of evaluasi on Direct Cash Program (BLT) at District Kramatwatu period 2008-2009 were maximal. The result shows that the Evaluation of Direct Cash Program the calculation result, found that tcount is bigger than ttable (4,1 ≥ 1,296), it means that this program implementation reached 66,6 % from lower number, 65 %. Researcher advice that a recollect data is a must, in case to know the subject of this program. The criteria at the object of this program is a needs too. |
Subjects: | H Social Sciences > Public Administration H Social Sciences > H Social Sciences (General) |
Divisions: | 06-Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik |
Depositing User: | Admin Eprints Untirta |
Date Deposited: | 23 Nov 2018 09:04 |
Last Modified: | 23 Nov 2018 09:04 |
URI: | |
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